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Asbestos – What Is It?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral with thin, fiber-like structures. Once prized for its remarkable properties – heat resistance, electrical insulation, and strength – it was widely used in building materials. These materials are now known as Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs).

Up until it was banned by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1989 from being used in new construction ACM was a common component found in everything from vinyl flooring to ceiling tiles and even fire-resistant clothing. While intact and undisturbed, asbestos may not pose an immediate threat. However, the danger lies in its potential to release harmful fibers when materials containing ACM become damaged or disturbed making them friable. This can happen during renovations, repairs, or even demolition projects. When ACM is friable it can become airborne and cause significant health risks.

asbestos removal

How to Identify Asbestos?

Though you may suspect your home has asbestos the only way to identify asbestos is through testing and professional inspection. Asbestos fibers have no smell and are not visible to the human eye. Homeowners should hire a licensed specialized company to collect samples for testing – it’s highly recommended for testing to be done in(please note if you don’t want to change to this script homes was written twice and needs to be deleted) homes built before the ‘80s. Swift Home Services LLC has the professional staff available to inspect your home and remove materials safely from your home in order to have them tested. We use an independent lab for all testing and send a copy of the results to you.

Health Effects of Asbestos Exposure

The adverse health effects associated with asbestos exposure have been extensively studied for many years. The results of these studies and epidemiologic investigations have demonstrated that inhalation of asbestos fibers may lead to increased risk of developing one or more diseases. The main diseases caused by asbestos exposure are:

  • Asbestosis
  • Lung cancer
  • Mesothelioma

Key Facts

  • Inhaled asbestos fibers can become trapped in the body. The fibers can cause diseases such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis.
  • U.S. companies produced thousands of products containing asbestos until the 1980s.
  • The safest way to remove asbestos is to hire a professional abatement company.
  • Asbestos imports still occur, though in much smaller quantities compared to in the past.
  • While asbestos use has significantly declined, it’s important to be aware of the potential presence of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMS) in older buildings, even those constructed after partial bans.

Asbestos Types & Categories:

  • Amosite (Amphibole)
  • Chrysotile (Serpentine) – constitutes about 95% of the asbestos found in buildings in the United States
  • Crocidolite (Serpentine)

Our team of experienced professionals is ready to address and manage all aspects of hazardous asbestos presence in Northern Virginia buildings. We are committed to ensure the safety of the buildings and its occupants thorough the testing and abatement/removal process. If you live in Northern Virginia and have concerns about asbestos containing materials in your property, we strongly encourage you to contact us.

Swift Home Services LLC offers the safe testing and abatement. Give us a call at 703-429-4440 We are always here to help!

We Provide:

  • Asbestos inspections and testing
  • Asbestos removal
  • Commercial and residential asbestos abatement services
  • Post Clearance Testing after abatement of asbestos

Schedule a Free Estimate Today